meet our friendly & knowledgeable staff
We work diligently to maintain the quality, integrity and innovation on which our success is built. Experience has shown us that there are more perfectionists out there like us, who understand the value of presentation and appreciate honest work, no excuses.
We are a medium-sized operation based out of the quaint little town of Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Our team is a collection of unique and qualified individuals who are dedicated to providing you the best possible experience. We will work diligently to ensure that your job is done accurately and efficiently. We are approachable, fun professionals who are more than happy to work with you on any issues, questions or concerns you may have along the way. Please do not hesitate to call us, email us, or just stop by the office. We look forward to working with you!

Product / Accounting Specialist
I started here part-time almost 10 years ago while getting an associate’s degree in fine arts. After getting my degree, I decided to stay. The printing industry is never dull and has plenty of opportunities to learn new skills. I love my job because we all share the same vision and are there for each other, like a family. I also help manage our special needs workforce. It’s great to give them a chance to work and contribute to a business—and they do an amazing job!
When I'm not working, I love to spend time with my husband and our three children. I also love to work out, stay active, and be outdoors!
Layout / Prepress
POV is where I grew up… really! I started here as a “copy girl” at 19 while putting myself through school.
I love that the printing industry as it is always evolving, but the basic principle of bringing an idea to life stays the same. We pride ourselves here on creating happy clients. I also work with some of the hardest-working, dedicated people I know.
As a wife to Dave and mother of three children (Maddi, Ella & Gray), I’m always BUSY. We’re all wrapped up in competitive gymnastics (I’m also a coach) and on the go with other activities like diving, swimming and taekwondo. We try to get as much family time as possible because we know how fast it goes.
Sales Manager
I have a BA in business administration, which helped prepare me to promote printing as both a tangible product and a conceptual service. After almost 15 years in the print industry, I’d say the best part is the universal need for print-related support. It creates endless opportunities for everyone involved. I love the open-minded approach we take here when it comes to innovating our products and services.
When I’m not working, I love sharing life with my wife. You might find me doing yard work or, more likely, doing something related to my fitness obsession, like weightlifting, cycling or some other cardio exercise.
Owner / President
I have an undergraduate and a master’s degree in communications from Edinboro University in PA. I helped found POV Solution almost 30 years ago. When it comes specifically to printing, I'm self-taught and have learned everything I know as the company has grown. My belief is that we should treat our customers and vendors the way we would want to be treated. I still believe that business can and should be done with a hand shake and that everyone can work together in harmony! I also love showing up everyday and seeing friends who just happen to be employees.
I try to spend as much time as possible with my family. My wife in particular puts up with a lot knowing I am the ringleader of POV. When we can get away, there's a good chance you'll find us out boating.
Customer Service / Digital Manager
I graduated from Wheaton College in Massachusetts with a degree in French and worked in IT for several years before moving to Ohio. I’ve been at POV Solution for over a year and like the fast pace of the printing world and the evolving technology. The best part of working here is the people—both our great customers and my coworkers!
When I’m not working, you can likely find me outside—probably riding horse—or taking care of other people’s saddles.